Archive | September, 2012

I Blog, Therefore I Am

15 Sep

 Where’ve I been all this time? Glad you asked. The pace of summer traveling picked up as the university’s opening day drew closer and closer, and then BOOM! (sound of man blasted from cannon into the future).

It’s the so-called “fall” semester and we’re back in the track of MTWR classes and occasional irritating F meetings, and one’s precious time online is diverted to the wonderful world of online education, in both web-based and web-assisted modalities. It’s the future, for sure. Ever feel like you’re living in a science fiction movie? (I’m teaching Rene Descartes right now, who says at the end of Discourse on Method (1637) that once science gets going and makes us “masters and possessers of nature,” we’ll have television! Flying machines! Robots!)

Amy and I (mostly Amy) are busting our buns getting the Kings Beach house ready to sell. (Interested in a quiet neighborhood four-bed/two-and-a-half bath house with hot tub, adjacent to greenbelt, a mile’s walk through the woods from Lake Tahoe? [map]) We’re hoping to list in another couple of weeks.

But there’s better news: 

(1) my new hip (the original reason for this blog) is grudgingly settling into its role as imperceptible man-machine interface; and

(2) Amy and I are preparing to spending five months or more living and working in Bilbao (map) this next so-called “spring” semester. See below for a view of el Museo Guggenheim along the Rio Nervión, which we are hoping (as we apartment hunt) will be within walking distance of our flat. More on this later.


Frank Gehry’s titanium-and-glass architectural orgasm, the centerpiece of Bilbao’s riverside renewal.